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Talking Alarm Clock with Female Voice, Smart Talking Clock with Hourly Chime Function(Talk time Each Hour), Low Vision Clock for The Blind/Visually Impaired/Seniors/Elderly People (Red Color)
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Talking Alarm Clock with Female Voice, Smart Talking Clock with Hourly Chime Function(Talk time Each Hour), Low Vision Clock for The Blind/Visually Impaired/Seniors/Elderly People (Red Color)

Product ID: 473795505
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This is an English talking clock with female voice(not genuine human voice) talking time and temperature, but it does not talk date and week. This talking alarm clock displays time, date, week, month, alarm time & temperature, Fahrenheit or Celsius can be switched. It has “Hourly Chime” function(TALKING TIME EVERY HOUR), please note: it dose not make other sound by its “Hourly Chime” function, long press hourly chime button to activate/deactivate this function. This talking clock has two screen backlight modes: “Brighter and Dimmer”, touch its top, the clock talks with brighter mode. After talking it becomes dimmermode( you need to switch the backlight sensor to activate dimmer mode) Three alarm modes can be set, 7 days, 6 days, 5 working days. Seven kinds of ringtones can be selected and set as your alarm sound including BIBI and CUCKOO. 3 X AAA 1.5V batteries are needed by this clock, but not included

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The MOLLE sheath is of exceptional quality. Very happy with my purchase.

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Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

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Khalid Z.

Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

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